In the "Try it" section of the API documentation, I am able to submit a request with no problem, however the code there is JSON or XML, I use VB.NET and yes I use TLS 1.2.
I assume that creating a customer profile with CIM does not submit a transaction for processing.
I assume that the information submitted is stored on Authorize,NET servers when in production
mode, but not in test mode.
Basic questions:
1. Can I use "Production Mode in the sandbox?
2. If so, is a customer profile created and stored on the sandbox server?
The Problem:
Execution of the code always returns NULL.
Any assistance would be greatly appreciated.
My Code:
This application I'm updating is a legacy application written in VB.NET, so it was necessary to
convert the provided code example to VB.NET. I return any errors/response objects via reference
variables. I do this so I can examine both objects on completion of the request. The code is below:
Public Shared Function CreateCustomerProfile(ByVal ApiLoginID As String, ByVal ApiTransactionKey As String, ByRef pProfileID As String, ByRef pResponse As createCustomerProfileResponse) As ANetApiResponse
System.Net.ServicePointManager.SecurityProtocol = SecurityProtocolType.Tls12
Dim MySubRecord As clsSubpaymentInfo = Current.Session("MySubRecord")
ApiOperationBase(Of ANetApiRequest, ANetApiResponse).RunEnvironment = AuthorizeNet.Environment.SANDBOX
ApiOperationBase(Of ANetApiRequest, ANetApiResponse).MerchantAuthentication = New merchantAuthenticationType() With {.name = ApiLoginID, .ItemElementName = ItemChoiceType.transactionKey, .Item = ApiTransactionKey}
Dim creditCard = New creditCardType With {.cardNumber = MySubRecord.CardNumber, .expirationDate = MySubRecord.ExpireMonth & MySubRecord.ExpireYear}
Dim bankAccount = New bankAccountType With {.accountNumber = MySubRecord.BankAccountNumber, .routingNumber = MySubRecord.RoutingNumber, .accountType = bankAccountTypeEnum.checking, .echeckType = echeckTypeEnum.WEB, .nameOnAccount = MySubRecord.Firstname & " " & MySubRecord.Lastname, .bankName = MySubRecord.BankName}
Dim cc As paymentType = New paymentType With {.Item = creditCard}
Dim echeck As paymentType = New paymentType With {.Item = bankAccount}
Dim paymentProfileList As List(Of customerPaymentProfileType) = New List(Of customerPaymentProfileType)()
Dim ccPaymentProfile As customerPaymentProfileType = New customerPaymentProfileType()
ccPaymentProfile.payment = cc
Dim echeckPaymentProfile As customerPaymentProfileType = New customerPaymentProfileType()
echeckPaymentProfile.payment = echeck
Dim addressInfoList As List(Of customerAddressType) = New List(Of customerAddressType)()
Dim homeAddress As customerAddressType = New customerAddressType()
homeAddress.address = MySubRecord.Address = MySubRecord.City = MySubRecord.ZipCode
Dim customerProfile As customerProfileType = New customerProfileType()
customerProfile.merchantCustomerId = Current.Session("UserName") = MySubRecord.EmailAddress
customerProfile.paymentProfiles = paymentProfileList.ToArray()
customerProfile.shipToList = addressInfoList.ToArray()
Dim request = New createCustomerProfileRequest With {.profile = customerProfile, .validationMode = validationModeEnum.none}
Dim controller = New createCustomerProfileController(request)
Dim response As createCustomerProfileResponse = controller.GetApiResponse()
If response IsNot Nothing Then
If response.messages.resultCode = messageTypeEnum.Ok Then
If response.messages.message IsNot Nothing Then
pProfileID = response.customerProfileId
pResponse = response
'Console.WriteLine("Customer Profile ID: " & response.customerProfileId)
'Console.WriteLine("Payment Profile ID: " & response.customerPaymentProfileIdList(0))
'Console.WriteLine("Shipping Profile ID: " & response.customerShippingAddressIdList(0))
End If
pProfileID = "ERROR: Code = " & response.messages.message(0).code & " Message = " & response.messages.message(0).text
'Console.WriteLine("Customer Profile Creation Failed.")
'Console.WriteLine("Error Code: " & response.messages.message(0).code)
'Console.WriteLine("Error message: " & response.messages.message(0).text)
End If
If controller.GetErrorResponse().messages.message.Length > 0 Then
pProfileID = "ERROR: Code = " & response.messages.message(0).code & " Message = " & response.messages.message(0).text
'Console.WriteLine("Customer Profile Creation Failed.")
'Console.WriteLine("Error Code: " & response.messages.message(0).code)
'Console.WriteLine("Error message: " & response.messages.message(0).text)
pProfileID = "ERROR (NULL response: Code = NULL Message = NULL"
'Console.WriteLine("Null Response.")
End If
End If
Return response
End Function
03-28-2018 06:43 AM
Ok, I figured it out.
Turns out that the credit card number contained dashes. When I set up the screen I used a jQuery input mask to format the credit card number. Forgot all about it. Works properly now.
03-28-2018 12:04 PM