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Validating if Credit Card Exists in Customer Profile CIM


Working with SOAP and have a credit card customer profile now successfully being create from the last CC transaction based on the transaction number returned from the manually inputted customer information.  All seems very good, but now I want to check to see in the customer profile in CIM if the credit card profile and number exists.  I looked high and low through the PDF manual and I know I want to make a call to the ValidateCustomerPaymentProfile and get a return response back.


Where is the SOAP example of how to do this like there is with the CreateCustomerProfileFromTransactionResponse like below:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<soap:Envelope xmlns:xsd=""




<CreateCustomerProfileFromTransactionResponse xmlns="https://">
























Where is the example for what I want to do GetCustomerPaymentProfileResult

so I can verify if the credit card profile token number for the card exists already in the CIM system???


Boy the documentation is very sketch and when you start into something like this brand new you need a bit more that . . .

the GetCustomerPaymentProfile function.GetCustomerPaymentProfileResult

Value: Contains the result of the API request to get a customer payment profile

Type: GetCustomerPaymentProfileResponseType

Notes: See for possible values.

and a listing of fields that could be in Output for GetCustomerPaymentProfileResponse


Maybe someone can point me to the correct SOAP code example as a template for me to follow????


Many thanks in advance.








Much appreciated.  I am knid of new at this and figured that the code example would be in the PDF SOAP developers guide, but it was not in there.

