Hi, right now the Verified Merchant Seal is shown on the bottom of my page https://www.sysler.com/shop
But it you click on it it will say "Unable to Verify Site". I already added the site "www.sysler.com" and "Sysler.com" to the configuration page. (But I can't add the exact webpage domain to your configuration. For example, I tried "https://www.sysler.com/shop", "www.sysler.com/shop", and "sysler.com/shop", after I clicked "add", it says "Invalid Web domain". )
My website is hosted on Wix.com. The code I embeded on Wix iFrame Widget is
<!-- (c) 2005, 2022. Authorize.Net is a registered trademark of CyberSource Corporation --> <div class="AuthorizeNetSeal"> <script type="text/javascript" language="javascript">var ANS_customer_id="597850ba-19e2-4142-ba75-1df755afdcc5";</script> <script type="text/javascript" language="javascript" src="//verify.authorize.net:443/anetseal/seal.js" ></script> </div>
Can anyone tell me how to fix it so that once customer click on it it will verify? Many thanks!!
03-11-2022 04:24 PM
@joycesyi How were you able to resolve this? I see that it's working on your website now. On my website the seal also says "Unable to Verify Site" once clicked.
06-07-2022 07:21 AM