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Way to check Credit card validity

Is there any way to check credit card validity before creating payment profile in authorize.


I want to create profiles only if  provided credit card information is valid.


Accepted Solutions

Hi asimneupane0089


You can validate it using the validationMode, as documented in our API Reference Guide found at 


validationMode Indicates the processing mode for the request. If the customer profile contains no payment data, this field should not be sent.


Use testMode to perform a Luhn mod-10 check on the card number, without further validation. Use liveMode to submit a zero-dollar or one-cent transaction (depending on card type and processor support) to confirm the card number belongs to an active credit or debit account.


As described above, if you generate a liveMode transaction it will process a real transaction to verify the card number with the issuer. If this fails validation, no payment profile will be created. 


Please note, you may also need to include the cardCode value in your request for validation. The cardCode value is not stored in the payment profile for future use, however. 


Thank you,


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Hi asimneupane0089


You can validate it using the validationMode, as documented in our API Reference Guide found at 


validationMode Indicates the processing mode for the request. If the customer profile contains no payment data, this field should not be sent.


Use testMode to perform a Luhn mod-10 check on the card number, without further validation. Use liveMode to submit a zero-dollar or one-cent transaction (depending on card type and processor support) to confirm the card number belongs to an active credit or debit account.


As described above, if you generate a liveMode transaction it will process a real transaction to verify the card number with the issuer. If this fails validation, no payment profile will be created. 


Please note, you may also need to include the cardCode value in your request for validation. The cardCode value is not stored in the payment profile for future use, however. 


Thank you,


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Hi all! Does anyone know where to get a car loan for a minimum interest rate? (I have a good credit history)


Hi! I want to answer the question about the car loan. In this case, it all depends on your credit history, which banks study closely when applying for a loan. It is pretty challenging to find a place to get a loan at a reasonable interest rate, but there are still such places. When I took a loan, I went to an organization that did everything for me. They helped me find the best interest rate and saved me much time. You can see this website to get a better look at this company. I hope this information will be helpful to you. I wish you the best of luck!


This would have been so useful back in the days when I tried to do surveys to obtain online currency for various games...<top> 
