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Webhooks screwy when ARB Subscription Payments get stuck for review by Fraud Detection

  1. Recurring payment is attempted
  2. Gets stuck by AVS fraud filter and set to held for review
  3. Subscription gets suspended automatically
  4. No net.authorize.payment.fraud.held webhook received


In fact, no webhook regarding this transaction attempt at all... I expected a fraud.held and I didn't expect the subscription to be suspended.  What is the expected behavior?


Hi @CoreyC


Thanks for providing the details .

We have asked the dev team to look into it . 

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This needs further attention.  Now since I have to reactivate incorrectly suspended subscription, it's causing more issues because it's retrying the next day even though payment was already captured.  I understand that it tries again since I'm updating the subscription to re-activate it, but what else am I suppose to do? 


Note, I do not have automatic retry activated.


  1. Recurring payment is attempted
  2. Gets stuck by AVS fraud filter and set to held for review (no fraud.held webhook received)
  3. I receive webhook that subscription was suspended (this shouldn't be happening)
  4. I approve the payment
  5. I receive the fraud.approved webhook
  6. I receive the capture.created webhook
  7. I update the subscription (to re-activate it)
  8. I receive the subscription.updated webhook
  9. The next day... I receive webhook that the subscription was suspended again...

Thanks for pointing out this issue- no fraud.held webhook received. The development team is looking at this now.


ARB subscriptions will have the AVS fraud filter settings applied on the first payment or after an update. What is the AVS response for the transaction that is triggering the filter? Are your current AVS fraud filter settings right for your work flow?

@mmcguire I'm fairly certain I have AVS filter set properly.  The issue is mostly with regards to the subscription getting suspended when the payment is held by the fraud filter.  There is no way to reactivate the subscription without it charging again the next day.


If and ARB transaction is held for review, it shouldn't suspend the subscription, because here's what happens...

  1. ARB transaction is attempted
  2. it gets held for review
  3. subscription is suspended
  4. transaction is approved
  5. subscription is updated in order to reactivate it
  6. ARB transaction is attempted again even though the previous transaction from the day before was already pushed through


this is still an issue. Should I be handling it differently?

This is still causing double charges for customers and I have yet to find a solution/different workflow.  Again, here's what happens:

  1. attempts the first payment of a subscription
  2. The payment is held for review by a fraud filter and NO webhook is received
  3. suspends the subscription automatically (THIS is the biggest problem in the whole flow!  It should NOT be suspended because it has not failed or been declined, its being held for review)
  4. net.authorize.customer.subscription.suspended webhook is received (this is the first indication on our end that something has gone wrong)
  5. Our team manually approves the transaction
  6. net.authorize.payment.capture.created webhook is received
  7. net.authorize.payment.fraud.approved webhook is received
  8. Our team manually re-activates the subscription (because we have to!)
  9. net.authorize.customer.subscription.updated webhook is received
  10. THE NEXT DAY - this entire flow starts again from step 1 and the customer is charged again.  Luckily since it's no longer the first subscription payment it doesn't happen AGAIN the third day...


If you can stop automatically suspending subscriptions which get held for review, that would solve everything.  If not, what should I do?


BUMP - I need you guys to stop suspending subscription payments that get caught for review in fraud filters!  Or I need another solution.

@CoreyC Do you have a support case open we can help escalate?



I didn't know there was such a thing... Just submitted a ticket: 1-501483551

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