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Why does authnet endpoint return XML instead of JSON?

In my custom PHP libs I have my Accept.js integrations working perfectly. I use very stripped-down calls, not the bloated authnet SDKs. I send XML to the endpoint (, and I get back JSON, and my client-side js is able to parse the json and all is good.


Here's the problem: Now I'm trying to do the same thing with .NET (c#) instead of PHP, for a different client. The Accept.js works fine (it's the same as with PHP, still on client), and even the .NET works fine and succeeds the transaction BUT I get back XML instead of JSON from authnet. All my client-side js logic is built around json structures so I'd love to keep using that and not have to rewrite it all to parse and examine returned XML.


In summary: In my .NET calls I still want to send in XML, but I want to get back JSON in the response, as happens with my PHP calls.


I have compared my php calls and my .NET calls, and while the plumbing is different, the basic stuff seems to be all the same. I can't find any parameter or flag or indicator that says "get back JSON" or "get back XML".


How can I tell authnet api endpoint to return JSON instead of XML in my call to (for example) createTransactionRequest? Thanks in advance.


(Note: There's a newtonsoft lib that converts xml to json, and I got that to work, but the result is very different compared to the json that authnet sends pack, so the js json parsing all breaks.)


Accepted Solutions

Hi @ZeroGravPro


For json you need to pass the   Content-Type header as application/json in your request . 


HTTP Request Method: POST


Sandbox API Endpoint:

Production API Endpoint:


XML Content-Type: text/xml

JSON Content-Type: application/json


API Schema (XSD):


Hope it helps !!

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Hi @ZeroGravPro


For json you need to pass the   Content-Type header as application/json in your request . 


HTTP Request Method: POST


Sandbox API Endpoint:

Production API Endpoint:


XML Content-Type: text/xml

JSON Content-Type: application/json


API Schema (XSD):


Hope it helps !!

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