Recorded Developer Webinars Pinned
Please find the links of our recorded developer Webinars Simplify PCI Compliance with Authorize.Net Accept Learn about Authorize.Net API Integration with OAuth 2.0 Creating Automated Workflows Using Authorize.Net Webhooks Thanks Anurag
API / Features documentation Pinned
Use the features you want to build the payment solution you need. You'll be up and running in minutes. Features : SDKS : API reference :
Use Try It Tab for testing APIs on sandbox Pinned
You can test APIs from our Try it Tab in API reference on sandbox without signup Click on the Try it tab and click send .
Use Testing Guide for Specific Transaction Responses Pinned
Using the Testing Guide, developers can trigger specific transaction responses in the sandbox including approvals, declines, errors, as well as AVS and Card Code responses. If you have questions or comments, please use this thread.
.net core 3.1 Integration testing with in memory DB provider.
.net core 3.1 Integration testing with in memory DB provider. Has anyone experienced issues while doing it ? Problem is that always real DB from web api is being used. Somehow I am not able to override this behavior. Any help will be appreciated than...
.NET Standard integration with .NET Framework causing much pain
We have an initiative at work to move all of our servers to Linux, so we're trying to incrementally move to .NET Core by making all of our new code .NET Standard.We have an internal Artifactory server that we're pushing these new .NET Standard packag...
Website designers in Toronto
With web authorities like us in Toronto, your principle objective for the ideal website head is done. We give the best methodologies in SEO, IT checking and each other getting sorted out measure that can be found no spot else. Plan to be the particul...
Switching payment processors. Stripe to
So I have an internet based business that was deemed high risk by stripe so now I've been approved by I have a subscription based service so I have many customers paying monthly. Stripe has been awesome and very helpful. I hired a soft...
Integration testing - How do I deal with authentication?
I am trying to setup some integration tests for a web API. Some of the routes in the controller I am interested in use the [Authorize] attribute, backed by JWT authentication using Identity Server 4, to prevent unauthorized from accessing certain res...
nd_sql and mysql ?
Hello everyone Currently I have hosted a website on server In php configuration I saw nd_mysqli was bydefaut and mysql was not selected My website database is on phpmyadmin Can anyone tell me the difference between nd_sql and mysql? If I changed to m...
MySQL optimization, advice on how to get help
I have a NodeJS website that takes about 6 seconds to complete some basic select queries. I'm no MySQL expert and I'm not exactly sure why this is occuring.I wanted to know where I could get help some help on my issue and how is the best way I go abo...
cancel multiple subscriptions in one call
How to cancel multiple subscriptions in one call using api?
Regarding the Transaction Declined issue
Hello, We are facing an Authorization issue with one of our client when we send the Transaction request to your API. The scenario is like, We are sending the Authorization request using the "Payment Profile ID" to your API as per the Request given be...
Users with Geolocation Issues - Services reporting as Singapore
On Friday (10/30), our relay responses stopped processing as our server's firewall has geolocation filters on. Apparently, (at least) the Relay IPs are now being tagged as Singapore in at least a couple geolocation databases. We got those white-liste...
Anyone use I could use some assistance with MSPs Locked
I use for my Shopify shop. I would prefer to use Shopify's own payment processing (which is via Stripe), but because I sell dietary supplements, I'm assigned me the Merchant Service Provider (MSP) of Cybersource...
Payment portal using
Howdy! My wife is looking for a way to add a payment portal for her clients to pay invoices. We have the info er need, I just need to add a way for the client to pay on the site now. Any suggestions or advice? She manually generates the...
How does mySQL work with PHP?
I am a recent college graduate, and am making a personal website using alumni access to their filespace. I have no experience with mySQL, so is mySQl something I create a database for, then just use php to interact with it? Or do I need a dedicated s...
mySQL Workbench ALWAYS adding random tables when forward engineering
Every time I try to forward engineer a model to a database, it always creates 3 tables, namely "_evolutions", "sessions", and "users", in addition to my own tables. Where are these coming from, and why do they insist on existing, when I have not told...
responseHandler not callback
We are using AcceptUI.js impement payment function. Everyting working fine for more than 2 years. But recently some users feedback after enterning credit card number information the payment popup form display loading forever. We added logs found resp...
Making async calls from node.js
I'm using the github code and trying to make a call from a node.js express route. The calling code is this:async charge(req, res) { try { const merchant = new authorizeNet(); const result = await merchant.chargeCreditCard(req.body); console.log('resu...
How to pass multiple payment schedules in the same recurring subscription?
We want to be able to pass multiple payment schedules in the same recurring subscription. For example, a single subscription amount of $1200 should be charged for 12 months in the following schedule: $150 for first 4 months, $100 for next 4 months an...
getHostedPaymentPageRequest unable to send descriptions
Hi, We need to send additional information as part of the transaction sent to the hosted payment page. According the the documentation a description can be sent as part of the lineItems or part of the order elements, but we receive error messages sta...
Node.js Webhook auth works fine with Test Webhook button, but fails on actual transactions
I am having trouble with the authentication of webhook notifications. Please note that all testing is currently taking place in the sandbox environment. We are not live yet with this application, but planning to go into production on Nov. 6th 2020. B...
How to get a customer's email address and transaction subject from unsettled transactions?
I am using the API for PHP with the help of some of the online examples to iterate through all the transactions of today (or last 24 hours). So far I'm only able to obtain the submit time and the transaction amount (aka settle amount). ...
Is there anything different about issuing a charge, capture, or reversal against a bank account?
Using the API, I've created customers and payment profiles. I've charged and captured the charges against those profiles. I've reversed charges against settled transactions and voided unsettled. Now I'm charging a bank account.It seems like the rules...
Facing Issue with Sandbox testing of iOS SDK
Hi all , I have implemented the sample code of the ios using git hub. The following error pops up every time i test with the my sandbox api key and transaction key also updated the transaction key once but did not worked. The following error response...
Verify webhook payload
I have a webhooks endpoint setup in a node project build using Hapi.js. I am using the crypto module to generate the hash to verify the payload. Everything seems to work fine when I do a test webhook, the hash I generate matches the hash in the heade...
Unable to process ApplePay transaction
We are testing Apple Pay payment via Authorize.Net in sandbox and get in response payload an error with errorCode=153 and with message: "There was an error processing the payment data. Invalid ownership" during call service createTransactionRequest. ...
How to setup duplicateWindow on getHostedPaymentPageRequest
Hi Team,We have the Auth.Net Hosted payment page integrated in our application. We need to change the "duplicateWindow" time from default 2mins to 15 mins. I didn't see any option/setting to change the duplicate window for the hosted payment form in ...
Code Sample for updating Customer Profile needs improvement
The discussion text says:------------Update Customer Payment ProfileUse this function to update a payment profile for an existing customer profile.Note: If some fields in this request are not submitted or are submitted with a blank value, the values ...
Webhooks - receiving two different payload types
Between using the API Live Console and the C# sample code in Github, the response payloads for my only webhook are coming back as either a JSON object or a URL Encoded object. Idealy, I would like the JSON object. Is there a reason behind this differ...
I have problems with transactions.
My clients paid me with credit card on my e-commerce platform, but the payments have not been credited on my bank account.I'm still in test mode and I want to live mode.What can I do? It's urgent!
getTransactionListForCustomer returns wrong response title
When making an XML request to `getTransactionListForCustomer` instead of returning the expended response title of `getTransactionListForCustomerResponse`, we instead get the title `getTransactionListResponse`. This is causing an issue with the Active...
Shared CIM profiles ( vault )
We are working on integrating We are developing a a platform where we are also a merchant, with multiple other merchants using our platform (like Were are looking for a solution where the credit card information can be sav...