I am using asp.net, c#, and web forms (not MVC).
I was following this thread, but I am not sure what the code behind would be to implement this solution.
It states to use this for the form:
<input type='hidden' runat="server" name='x_login' id='x_login' /> <input type='text' readonly="readonly" runat="server" name='x_amount' id='x_amount' size='9' /> <input type='text' runat="server" name='x_fp_sequence' id='x_fp_sequence' /> <input type='text' runat="server" name='x_fp_timestamp' id='x_fp_timestamp' /> <input type='text' runat="server" name='x_fp_hash' id='x_fp_hash' /> <input type='hidden' name='x_method' id='x_method' value='ECHECK' /> <input type='hidden' name='x_bank_aba_code' id='x_bank_aba_code' value='?????????' /> <input type='hidden' name='x_bank_acct_num' id='x_bank_acct_num' value='123456789123' /> <input type='hidden' name='x_bank_acct_type' id='x_bank_acct_type' value='CHECKING' /> <input type='hidden' name='x_bank_name' id='x_bank_name' value='bANKnAME' /> <input type='hidden' name='x_bank_acct_name' id='x_bank_acct_name' value='aCCOUNTnAME' /> <input type='hidden' name='x_echeck_type' id='x_echeck_type' value='WEB' /> <input id="x_relay_url" name="x_relay_url" type="hidden" value="https://developer.authorize.net/tools/paramdump/index.php" /> <input type='hidden' name='x_relay_response' value='true' /> <input type='hidden' name='x_delim_data' value='false' /> <input type='submit' runat="server" id='buttonLabel' />
So my question is what is necessary in my C# code for this to work? I have been searching and haven't found resources on the topic for the DPM method. I only have seen resources for AIM.
01-07-2016 05:48 AM
Hello @rockon77
Our hosted payment form and Direct Post Method (DPM) still use our SIM API. You can find everything you need to know about integrating with those features in our Server Integration Method (SIM) Guide (PDF)
01-08-2016 10:52 AM