I made an errand succession utilizing the "Autopilot for Existing Devices" wizard utilizing the orders here:
I have numerous autopilot provisioning profiles and have traded the JSON straightforwardly to my MECM organization share utilizing this order:
Get-AutopilotProfile - id {profile id} | ConvertTo-AutopilotConfigurationJSON | Out-File \\server\share\Autopilot\AutopilotConfigurationFile.json - Encoding ASCII
The TS seems to work and I can affirm that the JSON is being replicated to \windows\provisioning\autopilot\AutopilotConfigurationFile.json. Yet, when I open this record in Notepad or Notepad++, it shows that the encoding is UTF-8, not ASCII.
I have promoted my cross breed join setup profile to all gadgets and the JSON is for the half breed autopilot arrangement profile.
08-28-2020 03:33 AM
As per the article that ishboo3002 linked to, removing the "prepare for capture" step, which syprep /generalizes the machine and removes the JSON file in doing that, and replacing with with a command step "sysprep /oobe /reboot, took care of my issue. gbwhatsapp
09-16-2020 10:49 PM
@usoartit wrote:As per the article that ishboo3002 linked to, removing the "prepare for capture" step, which syprep /generalizes the machine and removes the JSON file in doing that, and replacing with with a command step "sysprep /oobe /reboot, took care of my issue. Tell Dunkin
Your article is so useful for us,thanks for sharing. Good stuff!
09-21-2020 01:37 AM