for customer payment profile, can we have associated two different customer payment profiles with two different credit card numbers ?
Is it like, the two profiles customerProfile and customerPaymentProfile are both dependent on a single Credit Card ?
and we can have two payment profiles with only other data updated except CreditCard number ?
11-22-2012 12:54 AM
each customer profile can have zero to many customer payment profiles.
11-22-2012 03:23 AM
Then there is no dependency with creditCard number given while creating a cusomer profile and customer payment profile. Both are independent ?
11-23-2012 07:41 AM
When you create customer payment you don't need to add any payment profile with it, you can add it later with the CreateCustomerPaymentProfile call.
PaymentProfile is dependent on a customerprofile as it is required when you use the CreateCustomerPaymentProfile call.
documentation here
11-23-2012 11:55 AM