I am trying to do a PoC Hosted page using CIM (XML) approach. My application uses ice faces (being liferay based) and I am struggling to get the Hosted page up and running. I need to do most of the operations (get token, form submit etc.) from server side.
So far I have a form
<ice:form id="userSettingForm" target="iframeAuthorizeNet">
and then iframe like below,
<ice: panelGroup>
<iframe name="iframeAuthorizeNet" id="iframeAuthorizeNet" srcdoc="#{userSettings.iFrameSource}" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" width="50%"></iframe>
<ice:commandButton id="userSettings_redirect" action="#{userSettings.redirect}"
value="Manage my payment information" />
</ice: panelGroup>
Then I use Apache HTTPClient library to post the data to the URL. I think I am getting the html back from 'https://test.authorize.net/profile/manage' but not sure how do I get that rendered into my iframe.
couple questions:
1. I downloaded sample code and tried to add to my source as it. But the returning html has reference to files (including paths) that are not provided with download. For example the returned response has references to
<link href="styles/profileCommon.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />,
<script type="text/javascript" src="scripts/jquery-1.5.2.min.js"></script>,
<script type="text/javascript" src="scripts/profile.js"></script>
can someone please help me with these files?
2. has anyone implemented this using ice faces? Ice faces is very weird and I could not get any technical help from Liferay forums.
3. My page already has a form (one above that updated to add target attribute), should I just add another one? I tried that but did not work but asking if anyone had similar situation.
4. sample has source for iFrame as empty.html, so should I stream my response into this file programmatically?
04-01-2013 11:03 PM
Hello Cnz2AuthNet2013,
It doesn't look like anyone has responded yet, but someone still may have feedback on what you're looking for. I'd recommend subscribing to this topic so that you'll be alerted via email if anyone else from the community is able to respond with any comments. To subscribe, click Topic Options at the top of this thread and then select Subscribe. You'll then receive an email once anyone replies to your post.
04-04-2013 08:06 AM