how I can trigger settlement programmatically?
when settlement complete, i need to update my database? how can I do that?
appreciate if anyone can help me,
โ04-22-2020 02:50 PM
Hi ishara119,
Settlement occurs automatically. Once settlement completes you can enable an email to be sent to you, notifying you of completion. Please login to your Merchant Interface and access your Profile from the Settings tab.
You also have the ability to use the reporting API, documented at https://developer.authorize.net/api/reference/index.html#transaction-reporting.
I hope this is helpful.
โ04-28-2020 01:41 PM
Yeah, I am also looking for the webhook. It would be nice to have it and not to check after cut-off to update payments that have settled or changed status.
โ09-01-2020 04:35 PM
Settlement related webhooks are not currently supported. You can review the webhooks that are available here:
โ09-03-2020 11:19 AM