1) Currently Authorize.net is sending Payment Receipts for their Transcation directly to our client. can we stop them ? if so then how ?
2) is there any way to send Payment Receipts On demand ? if so then is API available for it ?
01-05-2014 10:17 PM
1)Login to Merchant Account - Account Settings - Email Receipt
2)for AIM is x_email and x_email_custome AIM documentation, nothing for ARB, if it is turn on on the account it is going to send an email.
01-06-2014 04:25 AM
there are Response/Receipt URLs option available under settings. Can't we use it ?
01-06-2014 09:27 PM
Those are for SIM and DPM.
AIM run on your server, and you have control of where to go to. So it wouldn't use response/receipt URL settings
01-07-2014 04:16 AM