Welcome to the Community! Pinned
Welcome to the Authorize.Net Developer Community. The purpose of this community is to provide a peer-to-peer support and interaction channel for developers using Authorize.Net’s APIs, certification and affiliate programs. To be part of our community,...
Authorize.Net API Integration IP Address Changes (Updated) Locked
We are upgrading the way we manage our network infrastructure to be more responsive to events and business need. In order to support these changes, we are changing the IP addresses used by our API endpoints. Nothing else will change. The URLs and dom...
We need your feedback !!! Locked
Hello Developers We are reaching out to our valued Authorize.Net Developers to help us improve the services we offer by participating in a 45-minute interview. The information you share around your gateway needs and preferences will have a direct imp...
Join our Developer Webinar : Simplify PCI Compliance using Authorize.Net Accept !!! Locked
Update: An archived version is available at https://youtu.be/8njnFjs8yU8 -------------------- Hello All , Please join our first Developer Webinar focusing on Simplifying PCI Compliance using Accept Suite for Payments Tuesday, June 26, 2018 9:00 AM – ...
Important Update Required for Users of EMV® Card Readers Locked
If you or one of your merchants is using the Authorize.Net Anywhere Commerce Walker C2X and/or the BBPOS Chipper™ 2X, via the Authorize.Net In-Person SDKs, you must update the EMV card reader to remove the expired 1152-bit key. Read More
SSL Certificate Updates for Legacy SDKs Locked
Beginning April 29, 2018, Authorize.Net began updating its SSL certificates on the secure.authorize.net and api.authorize.net endpoints. Legacy SDKs may point to these endpoints and therefore require a new cert.pem file located in Authorize.Net’s Git...
Calling all Authorize.Net Developers for SmallBusiness Hackathon !!!! Locked
Calling all Authorize.Net Developers !!!! Join Authorize.Net , Visa Inc and the SBAgov as we kick off #SmallBusinessweek with a #Hackathon. in DC . $24K prizepool. Register: https://smallbizweek.hackathon.com/
System Maintenance Notice and Reminder for Merchants to Download Transactions from 2015 Locked
System Maintenance Notice On Saturday, March 24, 2017, we will be implementing planned payment gateway updates. Beginning at 09:00 PM until 09:30 PM Pacific, the following services will be intermittently inaccessible: Follow-on transactions (voids, r...
Update - Sandbox Maintenance Notice February 20, 2018 Locked
Previously scheduled maintenance on February 15, will now be for February 20, 2018. --------------------------- On Thursday, February 20, 2018, we will be conducting maintenance on the sandbox environment to improve performance and reliability. Begin...
Permanent Disablement of TLS 1.0./1.1 on February 28, 2018 Locked
On February 28, 2018, Authroize.Net will permanently disable TLS 1.0 and 1.1 connections. Please refer to our TLS FAQ for additional information. https://support.authorize.net/s/article/Authorize-Net-Support-for-SSL-TLS-FAQ
Temporary Disablement of TLS 1.0/1.1 on Production February 8, 2018 Locked
As you may be aware, new PCI DSS requirements state that all payment systems must disable earlier versions of TLS protocols. These older protocols, TLS 1.0 and TLS 1.1, are highly vulnerable to security breaches and will be disabled by Authorize.Net ...
System Downtime Notification October 21, 2017 Locked
On Saturday, October 21, 2017, we will be implementing planned payment gateway updates. Beginning at 10:00 PM until 10:30 PM Pacific, the following services will be intermittently inaccessible: Follow-on transactions (voids, refunds and "Prior Author...
Sandbox Maintenance Notice - 2017-09-22 04:30 UTC Locked
On Thursday, September 21, 2016 (or Friday the 22nd depending on time zone), we will be conducting maintenance on the sandbox environment to improve performance and reliability. The maintenance window will begin on 22 September 04:30 UTC. That's 21 S...
TLS Disablement Date Extended to February 28, 2018 Locked
Read more in our blog post: https://community.developer.authorize.net/t5/The-Authorize-Net-Developer-Blog/TLS-Disablement-Date-Extended-to-February-28-2018/ba-p/59134
System Maintenance Notice and Reminder for Merchants to Download Transactions from 2014 Locked
System Maintenance Notice On Saturday, June 17, 2017, we will be implementing planned payment gateway updates. Beginning at 10:00 PM until 10:30 PM Pacific, the following services will be intermittently inaccessible: Follow-on transactions (voids, re...
Experiencing Sandbox Connection Issues? TLS 1.2 Is Now Required Locked
Authorize.Net now requires a TLS 1.2 connection to our developer sandbox and will require the same for production on Sept 18, 2017. Please check the code for your solutions and systems to confirm that they can default to TLS 1.2 for your API connecti...
TLS 1.0 and 1.1 will be Disabled in Sandbox on April 30, 2017 Locked
See our blog post for more details: https://community.developer.authorize.net/t5/The-Authorize-Net-Developer-Blog/TLS-1-1-and-1-0-Disabled-in-Sandbox-on-April-30-2017/ba-p/57726
HTTP GET to be Disabled in Sandbox April 12, 2017 Locked
Please see our blog post regarding removing support for HTTP GET on April 12 in the sandbox. https://community.developer.authorize.net/t5/The-Authorize-Net-Developer-Blog/HTTP-GET-Disablement-Date/ba-p/57620
System Downtime Notification March 12, 2017 Locked
On Sunday, March 12, 2017, we will be implementing planned payment gateway updates. Beginning at 10:00 PM until 10:30 PM Pacific time, the following services will be intermittently inaccessible: New transaction processing ("Authorization Only" and "A...
UPDATED: System Downtime Postponed Locked
The payment gateway updates previously planned for March 5, 2017, have been postponed. We will communicate the rescheduled date soon. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause and thank you for your patience as we work to enhance the payment ...
Sandbox Maintenance Thursday January 26 from 5-8pm Pacific Locked
On Thursday January 26, we will be performing sandbox maintenance. Beginning at 5:00 PM until 8:00 PM Pacific time, the following services will be intermittently inaccessible: Accept.js Accept Hosted Accept Customer We apologize for any inconvenience...
System Downtime Rescheduled November 12, 2016 Locked
On Saturday, November 12, 2016, we will be implementing planned payment gateway updates. Beginning at 10:00 PM until 10:30 PM Pacific time, the following services will be intermittently inaccessible: New transaction processing ("Authorization Only" a...
UPDATED: System Downtime Postponed Locked
The payment gateway updates previously planned for October 29, 2016, have been postponed. We will communicate the rescheduled date soon. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause and thank you for your patience as we work to enhance the payme...
UPDATED: System Downtime Notification on 10/17 and 10/29 Locked
On Monday, October 17, and Saturday, October 29, 2016, we will be implementing planned payment gateway updates. Beginning at 10:00 PM until 10:30 PM Pacific time on both dates, the following services will be intermittently inaccessible: New transacti...
Sandbox Maintenance Notice Sept 1, 2016 Locked
On Thursday, September 1, 2016, we will be conducting maintenance on the sandbox environment to improve performance and reliability. Developers may experience issues accessing the sandbox merchant interface or API starting at 7:00 pm Pacific. There m...
We're Hiring a Developer Evangelist Locked
We are looking for a technically experienced professional who is enthusiastic about coding, app development, and building online and offline communities around the Authorize.Net developer ecosystem. You'll need to have previous experience working as ...
Important JSON API Response Change Locked
Sometime on or after August 4,2016, we will remove the Byte Order Mark (BOM) from our JSON response to comply with RFC-7159. This change was cancelled. We encourage you to ensure that your solution can accommodate this change to avoid disruption to y...
Sandbox Maintenance Notice July 27, 2016 Locked
On Wednesday, July 27, 2016, we will be conducting maintenance on the sandbox environment. New transaction processing ("Authorization Only" and "Authorize and Capture" transactions) should not be affected, however, beginning at approximately 10:00 PM...
Include Solution ID to track every transaction sent by your application Locked
If you are a software vendor or developer creating your own payment integration with Authorize.Net, including a Solution ID with each transaction provides additional insights and reporting on every transaction sent by your application. Learn More: ht...
Sandbox Maintenance Notice - May 11, 2016 Locked
On Wednesday, May 11, 2016, we will be conducting maintenance on the sandbox environment. New transaction processing ("Authorization Only" and "Authorize and Capture" transactions) should not be affected, however, beginning at approximately 5:00 PM u...
Sandbox System Downtime Notification - May 10, 2016 Locked
On Tuesday, May 10, 2016, we will be conducting maintenance on the sandbox environment. New transaction processing ("Authorization Only" and "Authorize and Capture" transactions) should not be affected, however, beginning at 5:00 PM until 7:00 PM Pac...