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Securing Transaction Key and API Key - via Serverless Platform

I am trying to store my keys variables via Google Cloud Platform after sending them via the front end via a flutter mobile application. I deployed the node SDK for the variables and it should process the payload. I even checked google cloud platform logs whilst instead of using NodeJS I implemented the payload directly via using the API and enabled the env variables and I can clearly see the payload is being sent to google, but with either has no response or sends an error.


Example after I used the API  method: 

textPayload"Response from Authorize.Net: { messages: { resultCode: 'Error', message: [ [Object] ] } }", I see the data coming in on my end but it is not communicating  Im recieving nothing back. timestamp"2024-12-05T01:03:12.495350Z". Moreover, I am seeing nothing . Has anyone used Google Secret Manager or AWS or Azure ?  Have you came across these problems before when trying to secure your sensitive keys? Is there something I am missing, such as an IP whitelist that I need to enable for the process, I've been lost for weeks and I am running out of options. 