cybersource APIs
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Creating HTTP Signature for CyberSource integration

I'm trying to get my product to connect to CyberSource with C#, however I'm having trouble.In short, I'm trying to reproduce the Java code here and essentially translate it in C#.I end up with different results than they do.Things I have commented ou...

cybersource rejects any value currency

I'm trying to integrate cybersource payment proccessor to my web app and of course I need to test the transaction.My proceed checkout form:

I filled out all the required fields and sending form to debug page cybersource by 'silent...

Cybersource Secure Acceptance test cards

Does anyone know if there are test card numbers that simulate failed transactions for Cybersource secure acceptance? I have searched the docs and can only find successful payment card numbersCredit card numbers do not trigger errors. In...

Cybersource Integration with ASP.NET

I am following the below link to integrate the cybersource payment gateway into one of our ASP.NET site. /omegleon line 192 as depicted below: ReplyMessage reply = CyberSource.Clients.SoapClient.RunTran...

Cybersource Secure Acceptance test cards

Does anyone know if there are test card numbers that simulate failed transactions for Cybersource secure acceptance? I have searched the docs and can only find successful payment card numbersCredit card numbers do not trigger errors. Instead it is us...

Cybersource Bot/Cawler Attack ?

Just wondering if anybody knew any info on this. It seems like a client got attacked by a bot and sent many $0 authorizations. How could this happen, does that person need to know the API key to make external API calls? Is that person using a session...

CyberSource on Azure

To do a request with CyberSource service you have to append .p12 certificate in request.Classic way of appending(CyberSource SDK): req.ClientCertificates.Add(new X509Certificate2(@"D:\cert\cert.p12", "password1"));This works perfectly on local or ded...

Passing Variables in hostedPaymentSettings

Using XML - this just returns on the receipt as TEST PROFILE. Is there a way to escape so that the variable output is used instead?hostedPaymentOrderOptions{"show": true, "merchantName": "#company_name#"}

Online cancellation of subscriptions

My payment gateway is CyberSource. There are many documents for this, but they don't say which API to call for cancellation. I read many compositions for this, but they need to offer a sample code. Here's the documentation:-Cybersource's Apps library...

Creating HTTP Signature for CyberSource integration

I'm trying to get my product to connect to CyberSource with C#, however I'm having trouble.In short, I'm trying to reproduce the Java code here and essentially translate it in C#.I end up with different results than they do.Things I have commented ou...

Cybersource Secure Acceptance test cards

Does anyone know if there are test card numbers that simulate failed transactions for Cybersource secure acceptance? I have searched the docs and can only find successful payment card numbers Credit card numbers do not trigger errors. Instead it is u...

Cybersource IOS SDK with PHP

We need to integrate cybersource to an ios application, we found the SDK here: /echatspin /echatrandom and token generation is working too. I am not not sure how to process the token, can I do this f...

How to format Savon Request for Cybersource SOAP API

Trying to figure out how to format a request for Cybersource payments, using Savon and Ruby.I've been at this for a while now, with no luck. I keep getting requestMessage not supportedI'm guessing it's due to how I'm passing in the parameters to the ...

How to register CyberSource.WSSecurity.dll on MS azure

I am implementing payment gateway named as Cybersource to my project. Please follow this link for more info am using simple_order_and_soap_toolkit_api, and ...

Online cancellation of subscriptions

My payment gateway is CyberSource. There are many documents for this, but they don't say which API to call for cancellation. I read many compositions for this, but they need to offer a sample code. Here's the documentation:-Cybersource's Apps library...

Flex api V2 (flex/v2/sessions) is giving VALIDATION_ERROR

I am trying to create capturecontext using /omeglz /echat with below request payload{ "fields" : { "paymentInformation" : { "card" : {"number":"4111111111111111", "expirationMonth":"12", "expirationYea...

Cancel subscription using CyberSource

I am using CyberSource Payment getway. In this we wan't cancel subscription I read many document for this, they provide sample code of key like which key we should pas for cancellation but they are not mention which api we should call. This is Docume...

cybersource-rest-client These dependencies were not found

I am trying to create a new app in vue.js. Basically just wanting the same output from cybersource microform node. /omegleshagleIn my vue project main.jsimport cybersourceRestApi from '../n...

CyberSource Double Authorization

We are using CyberSource as our credit card processing and have split the authorization from the capture functions. We preauthorize the card when we take the sales order, and charge the card several weeks later prior to shipping but we are authorizin...

Cybersource partners

I see a lot of big and mid size ecommerces are using Cybersource Payment(?).Anybody know which companies use Cybersource? i can't find it much on google.

Responsive Issue

I responsive My site properly but site is shown r=non responsive on chrome Why I don't know about this problem please anyone in the communty tell me about this thanks.

Site SSl issue

I update My site SSL last week but now site is still showing not secure please anyone tell me about this

Cybersource Bot

Just wondering if anybody knew any info on this. It seems like a client got attacked by a bot and sent many $0 authorizations. How could this happen, does that person need to know the API key to make external API calls? Is that person using a session...

Does SuiteScript support reversing credit card authorizations?

Hello,The payment of SOs by credit card raises a question for me. In Netsuite, reversal requests are automatically sent to credit card processors when SOs are canceled.There is a requirement for our company to write a customization that will identify...