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iOS Integration Run Time Error - stringWithXMLTag:andValue:

When I try to log in, I get this run time error:


+[NSString stringWithXMLTag:andValue:]: unrecognized selector sent to class 0x1c0ed94


It's occuring right when it is trying to run this method in MerchantAuthenticationType.m:


- (NSString *) stringOfXMLRequest {

NSString *s = [NSString stringWithFormat:@""
@"%@" //name (optional)
@"%@" //transactionKey or
@"%@" //sessionToken or
@"%@" //password
@"%@" //mobileDeviceId (optional)
( ? [NSString stringWithXMLTag:@"name"] : @""),
(self.transactionKey ? [NSString stringWithXMLTag:@"transactionKey" andValue:self.transactionKey] : @""),
(self.sessionToken ? [NSString stringWithXMLTag:@"sessionToken" andValue:self.sessionToken] : @""),
(self.password ? [NSString stringWithXMLTag:@"password" andValue:self.password] : @""),
(self.mobileDeviceId ? [NSString stringWithXMLTag:@"mobileDeviceId" andValue:self.mobileDeviceId] : @"")];

return s;


Please help with what could be causing this. Thank you!


EDIT: I tried adding the "Other Linker Flag" "-ObjC" and it caused other errors saying that it's trying to link the library which was built on an architecture that isn't being linked.

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