We have a critical issue. We resell Lightspeed POS and use Auth.Net Exclusively. Our Lightspeed clients want to roll out Lightspeed on mobile iPads which use the iDynamo card readers. These card readers encrypt and create a unique key at the swipe level. Currenly 2 processors have written firmware, Merchant Warehouse and Axia, to support the iDynamo on Lightspeed, BUT AUTH.NET WILL NOT WORK WITH IDYNAMO and as a result are losing clients to these proprietary processors.
This limitation is causing Lightspeed to tell clients that if they want to use the iPad, and they all do, that they must change to Merchant Warehouse or Axia because AUTH.NET DOES NOT SUPPORT the iDynamo encryption at the swipe level.
This has massive implications for Auth.Nets viability with all POS products that are using the iDynamo swipers and that is almost ALL OF THEM. Without the ability to use these iDynamo units, customers will be forced to switch from to Merchant Warehouse and Axia. It is happening as we speak. I spoke to Lightspeed and they told me that this falls in's lap. They are not trying to force people off Auth.Net, it is just happening because clients want to use the mobile iPads with iDynamo readers.
Please share this with Auth.Net's CEO. It is critical to Auth.Net's marketshare and viability in the POS retail space to get this integration with Magtek done immediately so your agent in the field can protect thier clients on Auth.Net.
Not only is this issue about getting certified on this device for PCI issues in the mobile space, but also to enable Auth.Net to fend off the litany of proprietary single processor gateways like Merchant Warehouse, Mercury, etc. Auth.Net needs to fight back and make the world safe for OPEN gateways that respect customer choice.
Michael Dattoma
01-09-2013 08:58 AM