I am trying to create a JavaScript call using the instructions following the API documentation at https://developer.authorize.net/api/reference/features/acceptjs.html#Integrating_the_JavaScript_Libr.... I created sandbox account and obtained my public client key from Account > Settings > Security Settings > General Security Settings > Manage Public Client Key.
My POST body from the Accept.dispatchData() method is:
{ "securePaymentContainerRequest":{ "merchantAuthentication":{ "name":"2b427vXXXX", "clientKey":"79kvzcqrqRN6AHycs2D937d5GSp33Baaw9J8NB6U882H6Z49nADkXXXXXXXXXXXX" }, "data":{ "type":"TOKEN", "id":"83c30d4d-b45c-5372-84e3-863e2a2255d8", "token":{ "cardNumber":"4111111111111111", "expirationDate":"0222" } } } }
However I get the error E_WC_20
08-06-2018 09:23 AM