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Who Me Too'd this topic webhook endpoint

Hi All,


i cant found solution. It mus be simply. 

I would like to import (jsut only) new customer, changes, and transaction to our information system.

One way.

I would like use webhook, because method GetCustomerProfileIds give me all customers. Its not maybe compare all changes.


i configured webhook and point to my aspx page, where in Page_Load is save response from server.

But its not working. 


curl -v -X POST -H "Accept:" -H "User-Agent:" -H "Accept-Encoding: gzip" -H "Content-Length: 209" -H "Expect: 100-continue" -H "X-Anet-Signature: sha512=38546842C5CE9A54DAB16B66FE7F501E45A0CB9144E5BB568017643901BD71205B44484B4C26E739FD5A87C28E5E5A483D0929FD461A3AAC4F84879AB388CE4E" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"notificationId":"1947e7d0-4fb6-403d-913c-5ee33c4ab10f","eventDate":"2017-03-14T15:41:01.9004341Z","webhookId":"ce6d9f1f-16ea-43b0-b212-52238af7986a","payload":["net.authorize.customer.subscription.created"]}' ""


give me good response. But when i pick to test button in webhooks configuration window its give me message "Error: There was an error processing your request. Please contact support for more details." and debugger on PAge_load is not stopping. 


Is there someone to send me some simple endpoint in example please?



Thank you



Who Me Too'd this topic