Ive recently been made aware that saved credit cards on the CIM are not functioning anymore on m production site, I cant find any recent saved info from anything but the ARB system. I tested the functionality on our staging server and it would function properly.
Currently using the API via ActiveMerchant on ruby (rails 4 specifically)
To be clear the process is such:
1. Creating a payment profile
1a. Checking to see if a customer has an authorize_id and creating one if not
1b. Storing that authorize customer id for later use
2. taking the returned ID (status Ok) and storing it in a database
When i go and look at any of the recent stored payment profiles in my database, they all come up as record not found, and they do not show up anywhere in the CIM panel.
My conclusion is that either in getting a false positive to saving the profile with a, or authorize is for some reason removing the stored payment profile data without any noticable notification.
Anyone seen this behavior?
01-27-2020 11:23 AM