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since ‎12-15-2012

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I have just begun writing Andoid apps. In Visual Studio I imported the exe file from the SDK. Do you simply copy the jar files into the /libs directory or do you have to add the package? Seems like it would be simple, but more than just copying the j...
Hey!I am using a VB code. After collecting the ID and Auth Code, what should I use to update the charged amount? New CaptureRequest?Dim auth = NewCaptureRequest(0.0, "TransID", "AuthCode")Do I need to just submit the Authorizations and then the Captu...
I have just started a new form in Visual Basic. I have the Authorize.Net dll as a reference and myNew CardPresentAuthorizationRequest is importing correctly. However, I am getting a error with the New CardPresentGateway which is suppose to take mulit...
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