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since ‎01-16-2013

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According to page 32 of we can use HTML
in our headers and footers. Sent in x_footer_email_receipt:"Your trip begins Thursday, May 18, 2017. Please call us at (800) 6CANOE2 ...
The developer account was working when I first setup a test server but after playing around with the relay response urls it no longer works. I am getting some sort of redirect (not a full redirect because the browser still shows https://test.authoriz...
The documentation I found at the domains give lists of the SIM response fields but they don't match what I am getting. When I run foreach (string s in Request.Form.AllKeys) Response.Write(s + ": " + Request.Form[s] +...
For test accounts, the documentation says that the default value of MD5 Hash Value (set on the Account page and used to validate the MD5 Hash sent from Authorize.Net after a transaction) is the empty string; however it is actually the AuthorizeNet Ac...