I was wondering/hoping there might be a way for dedicated test accounts
to automatically settle a transactions. For testing purposes, it would
be easier to immediately settle a transaction so we could test a refund
against it without having to wait 2...
I have confirmed that x_ref_trans_id is accpeted by the testing server.
I did not realize that the 24 hours (approximately) time period needed
for a transaction to "settle" was still required on in the testing
Does this present a problem with using the testing endpoint ? I was
having problems when submitting requests against the suggested testing
endpoint for Card Present:
'https://test.authorize.net/gateway/transact.dll' Without a "x_trans_id"
parameter, ...
Is this still true ?I have signed up for a Card Present test account and
have submitted test requets against the following endpoint:
'https://test.authorize.net/gateway/transact.dll' Here are the params
being submitted: PARAMS {"x_cpversion"=>["1.0"]...