Hi guys, Does anybody know if Authorize.Net can authorize for a certain
amount and then settle the same transaction with 2 different captures?
Thanks J
I can't find anyone posting this question anywhere in the blogs or
forums. I even googled to no avail. Is there a restricition by A.Net on
how many CC's each Customer Profile/Payment Profile can have? Does
anybody know?
Is there a reason why you would want to charge them? Maybe to show in
your merchant account? 1.- Check if the amount is $0.00 and don't even
attempt a transaction.2.- You can try an authorization for $0.01 and
then void it or let it expire in 30 days...
Based on my reading, AIM is strictly for one time payments. You don't
save information in the servers. If you use CIM, you can setup the
customer profile and payment profile. When you're ready to pay, you can
use the customerPaymentProfileId and call...