How do I cancel a transaction which has been sent for settlement but not
yet settled? Void may not work since transaction has already been
submitted for settlement by Refund may not work becuase
the transaction is not yet fully settled...
Can I assume that 24 hrs after a payment transaction was processed, It
would have gone thru the settlement and I can safely issue a refund? Or
are there any checks that I must perform before issuing a refund for
that transaction. Thanks,Ravi.
When I submit a refund transaction, what will be the response code and
reason code I can expect? Will I get Approved or Held for Review
response from Thanks,Ravi.
Please let me know the reason code and response code I can expect from
ANet when I submit a void for a transaction which has already been sent
for settlement. Thanks,ravi.
It appears that eCheck refund transactions can not be processed using
WEB method. In other words, following combination is not accepted:
x_type = CREDITeCheck_transaction_type = WEB Can some one please confirm
if my understanding is correct? Thanks a...