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since ‎08-25-2014

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  • 7 Replies
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Yesterday the system was working fine, my code seemed to be working fine. I haven't changed code, but now every card number we run comes back with:E00027:The credit card has expired. I'm testing the code using the SANDBOX account we have, using the A...
I've got my code so that I can create customer profiles and payment profiles, but I'm running into a wall when trying to build the code to be able to charge one of those customer profiles.I've coded to the code as such:// Create an auth ...
I'm using's jar (provided by maven pom.xml file) and trying to make an API call to create a customer profile with a customer payment profile for a given credit card. I am not directly creating the XML, I am making library calls to the J...
My company builds SaaS tools, and specifically related to, we would like to provide a way for our customers (which are retail companies) to enter an amount and a credit card number and click submit. Then to have that information togethe...
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