Thanks for the info Judy.We are in the process of changing to use SIM to
get merchants running again. Some are good now with that and we have a
couple other WebApps to still make SIM an option. I don't want to go
through this again in a couple months...
One of my developers has suggested that they are blocking/not supporting
TLS1.0 anymore and that is why the connection is closed as if it was
SSLv3. AuthNet does say they plan to disable support for TLS1.0 at some
future time. Perhaps they already di...
The UNKNOWN ERROR does come from our code when it gets a response from
AuthNet that is other than 1,2,3,4...see near the bottom of this code.
We do a secure post to this page AuthNetAim.cfm which then posts and
gets info from AuthNet and displays a T...
Yes, we are also using CF5 Enterprise Ed on a Win203 Server Enterprise
Ed. We upgraded from 2000 Server when we began having this problem on
the 4th to get TLS1.0 support. Though, after some other testing on
another 2000 Server SSL site it appears it...