The abpve link is no longer available, can you please update so we can
find information about how the shuttle swipe can be integrated to the
sample app. Thank you
Your correct, there is no example of the using the swipe in such sample
stated above ! Right now i am only able to use the Shuttle both
Production and Developer version using the production app
from Play Store. I have not been able to g...
Ok... i was finally able to login (PRODUCTION), after entering my device
ID which does already work with the Production app. what i dont understand why in the sample app i am not able to
enter what i am going to charge, also ...
This is what i have. I have also tried with the new updated files and
still get the same ligin issue. /** Strings related to login
authentication. */private String deviceNumber = "";protected static
String deviceID = "shuttle"; // set_your_device_IDp...