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since ‎11-24-2014

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  • 4 Replies
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  • 2 Kudos given
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I am using CIM. It makes sense to me why GetCustomerProfile and GetPaymentProfile return the CreditCardMaskedType. My questions are: 1) I am fine with the last 4 digits being returned, and the CCV not being returned, but why is the Expiration date al...
I am using .NET and SOAPclient. I will be using CIM to make a transaction. I can't figure out how I am supposed to get list of the transactions and their status for a specific customer. When I look for a solution, the only answers I have seen is I ha...
It seems I can’t pass a CIM payment profile to ARB, and CIM doesn’t have the capability of ARB transactions. And I don't want to have the user type the card information again whenever they want to setup recurring schedules for card registered in CIM....
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