We have enabled PayPal Checkout in Digital Payment Solution offered by
Authorize.net. But when the customer choose to make payment using PayPal
checkout, it is not redirecting to the PayPal login both in SANDBOX and
Hello I am trying enable paypal checkout in DPM control but iam getting
this error: Unable to display PayPal information. Please try again
later< Back to Digital Payment Solutions I was told to contact the help
desk but haven't heard back from them. ...
@RichardH,Thank you for your prompt reply! However I am unable to get
the token once I created customer profile in test mode. Do i need to
switch to live mode to get the token?ThanksBroken Arrow wear
@Richard,Thank you for your answer. I am having issue with CMI too. When
I try to use customer profile api I did not got the token. I was told I
need to get the token from the bank/payment provider.Is this true. How
can i use the CMI to process credi...