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since ‎03-05-2016

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  • 7 Replies
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E00027 returns an "Unsuccessful" with "A duplicate transaction has been submitted." The Response (Error) Codes list from AN has some jibberish about an Australian server as being the problem. Does anyone update the Developer AN site anymore?
I am getting Invalid OTS messages. Maybe it would help if "OTS" was defined somewhere! VERY FRUSTRATING!
I have been a Certified AN Developer for some time. So long, in fact, that I have lost my userID/password! I really need to make changes to my description and I have tried repeatedly to make some sort of contact with the AN people that are responsibl...
Here is my specific problem. I have a client that is a retirement community and their organization collects membership dues. We weren't having any problems for a couple of years but in the last 4-6 months members CC's are being rejected, saying that ...
I have found where I can set up a specific client for ARB but isn't there somewhere in my AN account where I have to specify that we are going to accept ARB ?
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