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since ‎01-05-2017

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I recently integrated the Accept Hosted method using the full page redirect approach and webhooks to record the payment result. For the most part this has been working fine. Just the other day, Sunday night 2/19, I noticed that the payments showing i...
Hi all. I'm using the new hosted form method via a full page redirect to the form, not an iframe or modal. So in order to capture the results I'm using webhooks. This has been working fine. Yesterday someone submitted a live payment and...
I'm trying to retrieve the webhook notification history through the API via the endpoint and am receiving the following error message every time, whether I use offsets or date range parameters. { "s...
Hi, Trying to integrate Accept Hosted and not understanding how to get the transaction response back if using the full window redirect mode (as opposed to iframe or lightbox). When the app redirects to the hosted page and the credit card info is ente...
Hi, I am trying to test the Accept Hosted integration method and am getting error when calling getHostedPaymentPageRequest. The error is E00001 "An error occurred during processing. Please try again." I know the data must be formatted correctly becau...