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since ‎08-10-2017

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I have been working on this on and off for months and cannot get it to work. I have code to display the hosted payment page and it is working fine on my development machine. As soon as I put it on a server (my dev server or my production server) it d...
I have been working on this on and off for months and cannot get it to work. I have code to display the hosted payment page and it is working fine on my development machine. As soon as I put it on a server (my dev server or my production server) it d...
I have set the code for the cancel button but nothing happens when it is clicked. Any suggestions why? I thought this was the code to set it:settings(3) = New settingType settings(3).settingName = settingNameEnum.hostedPaymentReturnOptions.ToString s...
I have set email required to true and the field is shown with an *, however when the email is provided, there is no receipt sent. Is there another setting I need to set? I thought that if the email address was required, that a receipt would be sent t...
When my customer is directed the to the Hosted Payment page, the dropdown for Country is blank. I am not trying to prefill it and do not send any info for it. The other fields say City, State, etc. but the Country dropdown is blank so it is somewhat ...