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since ‎08-12-2017

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I am trying to figure out how to use your webhook sample code. I am using c#. does anyone have a simple code sample on how to do this. Or a link on how to use webhooks
I am using the following code to after getting a token. ";Response.Write(formPostText); How can i get get the auth code and tran id to store in a database. I get a receipt but need to place the values in a database I am using with C#
i need sample code for using an iframe in using c# My problem is that it works but will not leave iframe on countine
found at that i need hostedpaymentiframecommunicatorurl i made the page from the sample listed than added the following: I this correct code or am i missing something i need to...
How do i redirect the user atfter entering there credit card information redircet theuser back to my site. I am using a iframe below is the code class using System;using System.Collections.Generic;using System.Linq;using System.Web;using AuthorizeNet...