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since ‎10-04-2017

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  • 7 Replies
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Hi.I have this problem starting today:Library is not coming from Accept server--- a7e38542d3a404b4b3ac37a7252bca2e7f3dd724a357aa93ce22f413e74333c3The Accept.js expect the hash 79ec52f0ce86fb27c47d1f860ba62d34ad5fe6cd3778ee0952ac698f52096e81What's hap...
HI. We eally need somebody at Authorize.NET to give some feedback to this problem. My customers cannot run their business with your service because we get this error. Please advise.
HI! My customer opened an account and he receives the error:Transactions of this market type cannot be processed on this system. I try to find a way to see which market type he chooses when he opened the account, I can't find it anywhere. Where can I...
Hi! In the AcceptCore.js file, there's a bug. c.onload=function(){setTimeout(function(){n(c,b),2e3})}I think it should bec.onload=function(){setTimeout(function(){n(c,b)},2e3)} The 2e3 parameter is not passed as a parameter of the setTimeout in the b...
Hi! In the C# SDK, I can't set the merchantDescriptor property. Is there an hidden way/hack to set it? Thanks VB
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