transactionKey element length is restricted to 16 characters and
enforced by XSD validation. Pl. ensure the length of transaction key you
have meets this requirement and you are using the correct transaction
We do not support multiple api-login-id or transaction-key (aka
api-credentials). These are analogous to username/password credentials
you use for any other authentication (think email, Facebook, etc.) just
for APIs.However, I am assuming you are loo...
PaymentProfiles can be updated via "updateCustomerPayment".
CustomerProfiles and PaymentProfiles can only be created using
"createTransaction". Either you provide a paymentprofile to use for
createTransaction or request to create a profile (using pay...
Hello jay71134, What you are seeing are the BOM (byte order mark) at the
beginning of the stream and EOF (end-of-file) byte at the end in the
response. Depending on the client (in your case curl), these characters
may or may not be visible. There may...