This gateway Id is for a production account (Merchant Name: Are you doing this in sandbox or production? If
sandbox, then the gateway Id will be different. We don't see any apple
pay transactions for the gateway Id you provided.A sam...
Hi @qw, What is your GatewayId? We can check the issue with the
transaction.You can use this request to get the gatewayId -
Hi @qw, It is possible to create profiles and subscriptions with
opaqueDataType.Since the card number is not in the opaqueData, we need
to perform a transaction to validate the card that is linked to the
opaqueData. The liveMode is required for this....
Error code E00027 means the transaction was unsuccessful.See more
details here-
When the validationMode is set to liveMode a transaction will be
performed to validate the ca...
Try changing the validationMode to validationModeEnum.liveMode in the
following line of your code. var request = new
createCustomerProfileRequest { profile = customerProfile, validationMode
= validationModeEnum.none };