I had a feeling that was the problem. I knew the server was fixed so I
knew the problem was in my code and I knew the vbscript was not going
through the website so there had to be another line to "tell it" to do
this or that when connecting. I had se...
Thank you again! It works! The changes you indicated did the trick. Set
xml = CreateObject("WinHTTP.WinHTTPRequest.5.1")xml.Option(9) = 2048
'TLS 1.2 I applied the changes first to a watered-down test program and
it worked. Then I applied the change ...
windows\system32 version is:6.2.9200.16451 I tried the putting "Server."
in front of all 4 objects but each one gave me the error:Object
Required: 'Server’ Set xml =
Server.CreateObject("MSXML2.ServerXMLHTTP.6.0") Set xml =
Thank you again. I have spent the last 2 days trying to test this issue,
scour the internet and figure it out. Since I know the server works and
asp classic code works, the problem has to be in my code and it looks to
be the same line that was the fi...
By any chance do you know anything about making these same changes in a
vbscript program? Our authorize.net connections are working from our asp
classic pages but I have 2 vbs programs I set up to run automatic
billing processes. I used vbscript becu...