@cwdsl OK got this working now. Converted the encoding from ISO-8859-1
to UTF-8. This gets around the issue with São Paulo However it does not
fix an issue where the addres might include a Polish character such as
ŁThis is due to the fact that the Po...
@cwdsl To be honest I think it is a bug in the Autorize.net hashing
algorithm. I think they are not handling multibyte characters correctly.
I have logged a support case but still to hear back from them. Are there
any support people on the forums?
@Renaissance Based off there example C# in the PDF they reference the
ASCII encoding class. Whcih can be found here:
based of the example in that documentat...
@cwdsl Based off there example C# in the PDF they reference the ASCII
encoding class. Whcih can be found here:
based of the example in that documentation th...
Has anyone actually tested calculating the response hash where some of
the fileds contain none ASCII characters? For example in one the address
fields I have Sãu PauloWhen calculating the hash it never matches.
However my hash matches when the fields...