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since ‎03-11-2019

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DATA [^^TRUE^^^^^^CC^^122.50^^Kenneth^Hammond^800 Shoreline Rd ^Kernes^TX^75144^USA^903 574 4957^^^^^^^^^^^33:39073:71870^] SIG KEY [312DB4F3973FA6BDE46ACB84E563FE6DD03AECFA26DBEADF231D8B322CBA66FD7CBEB8031F9EA621152718235C7FB060C4A44E...
I get the error message below in the console.log using Chrome browser. 1) The token is received correctly.2) When the page returns from it has nothing but Order Summary on it and the following error message ...
Can someone provide an example of the order of xml to send for accepted hosts?We will be using a redirect to the hosted form. We currently use SIM and my understanding of this new method is as follows: 1) set options ie: 34RZJpz5M 578k6f7q3BMaTrG5 ...
I GET BACK JUST THE WORDS ORDER SUMMARY and nothing else.NOTICE THE LINE : var g_errorPanelMessage = "There was a technical issue processing your request.";
I receive my token just fine, what are the next steps to set up the form fields for the post to Do I call certain API's, a little confused by the docs on this REST interface? When I call :$lineItem1 = n...
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