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since ‎09-16-2009

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Currently, AuthNet returns an error if the order of JSON object elements is not exactly as written in the API documentation. Since the JSON spec allows for object elements to be in any order, standard serialization tools on various development platfo...
I'm delighted that AuthNet now supports GBP, EUR, and CAD ... and understand that we can set up accounts that will accept charge requests in each of these currencies. I also understand from various older posts that authnet will accept payments from i...
We've been getting the following error after a successful DPM charge:"The following errors have occurred.(13) The merchant login ID or password is invalid or the account is inactive."What's strange is, this message is being returned (from https://tes...
From what I know of Silent Post and ARB Email Notifications as they apply to ARB profiles I believe our users will see the following sequence of notifications (or non-notifications as the case may be) from AuthNet when a credit card expires or fails ...
I'm having trouble figuring out how AuthNet calculates the MD5 hash for virtual terminal transactions - it appears to use a different formula. In the trace output below I captured debug information on the silent post notifications for an API call and...
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