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since ‎03-05-2021

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When making a post request to the sandbox url im getting Access to XMLHttpRequest at '' from origin 'http://localhost:62537' has been blocked by CORS policy: Request header field access-control-allow-or...
When setting up the payement system fior Apple Pay its asking for `Apple Merchant ID` which is for enable your apps to process transactions for physical goods and services to be used outside of your appsSo it seems for IOS i cannot use in app purchas...
I created a new flutter plugin that wraps the ios and andriod SDK's feel free to use.
I make a post request to and no matter what i put i get a response code as 200. Why not return 422 unprocessable entity? Now insteaad of looking at the response code i have to dig into the response bod...
I am using the mobile sdk for andriod and ios to create a pluging for Flutter. I am getting `COMMON.ACCEPT.INAPP.PAYMENT` as my DataDescriptor and i am getting a token. This is where the sample app stops