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since ‎05-25-2011

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  • 5 Replies
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I've been working with integrating DPM and PHP for my website. I've reached the point where the error message I get is: Sorry, an error occurred: (3) (TESTMODE) This request cannot be accepted. There is no subcode or other information that comes with...
I'm trying to integrate the DPM method into my processing, but keep chasing my tail. If I use the function call:AuthorizeNetDPM::getCreditCardForm( $amount, $transaction_number, $relay_response_url, $api_login_id, $transaction_key )it sends the trans...
I obviously don't know what to call such, because I get nothing on a search of the documentation. But what I need is a list of what all the x_yyy arguments for the Direct Post Method are. I don't find it except in code samples, which are incomplete l...
Folks, I have searched the boards and not found this exact problem, and I've looked at my code multiple times and not found the errors, so I thought I might ask for help. I've created the files (checkout_form.php, relay_response.php,
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