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since ‎06-07-2021

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There should be a very clear documentation on subscription section. There are few things which needs proper clear information like:Auto-retry: Howmany times it will retry, can we limit that or not, will any webhook event trigger if payment gets faile...
Hello, I have auto-retry disabled. 1)If one payment fails, what will be status of subscription? 2) How can I bill customer for the failed payment? If I take manual payment will it affect upcoming billing cycle? Regards,
I have auto-retry enabled: As per Auto-retry description, it will try to bill customer everyday at 2 AM. Is there a way to get to know the status of the auto-retry? we want to know if customer billed successfully then we need to perform some action. ...
When Auto Retry enabled:1) When Subscription is suspended, and after that CC info is updated. Will auto retry capture the failed payment or we have to take that payment manually? 2) After any payment fails(2nd, 3rd or nth) in ARB, and after that CC i...
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