HiIs there an established best practice for separating unit tests and
integration tests in GoLang (testify)? I have a mix of unit tests (which
do not rely on any external resources and thus run really fast) and
integration tests (which do rely on any...
HiI have implemented cybersource silent order api. It is working in
testing environment. But now I have to add the 3D secure also. I am not
getting any help how to add this functionality. There documentation
gives some information with simple order a...
HiI pulled a project from GitHub a few days ago. I have since discovered
that there are several forks on GitHub, and I neglected to note which
one I took originally.How can I determine which of those forks I pulled?
IDs = [] for ID in [df["id"]]: IDs.append(ID) # Add IDs to ID list IDS
is not a list of int, but a list of pandas.Series. Containing exactly
one Series, namely df["id"].# This does what you were trying to do: IDs
= [] for ID in df["id"]: IDs.append(I...
No you can't really secure an API endpoint to only allow specific
callers without locking it down so it isn't public (e.g. by IP), or you
can secure the client (trusted client infrastructure). Since you can't
do that with a mobile app, etc., no you a...