Set a realistic goal: When you decide to get concrete results, you need to set realistic goals and clearly set deadlines.
It should not be an abstract desire "I want more subscribers!", but a written down on paper or on the computer designation of the date when the number of subscribers will be a certain number.
Don't get too caught up in the timing. The best option is to schedule your plans for the month.
You can divide this term into weeks as sub-items. Try to follow the plan clearly, not allowing yourself to relax and put off work for later. Reread it every morning and summarize it before going to bed.
On a special resource, any blogger who has a channel on YouTube can buy bots. On the page of this site you can take everything you need to develop your channel.
As a motivation you can let your acquaintances know about your intention or post it on your social networking page.
To attract attention to your video it would be advisable to leave a bright and, if possible, original commentary. To do this, you need to do a number of manipulations:
In turn, to perform the latter point, you should go to "Video Manager" and select the appropriate video from all the previously posted (you can be guided by the number of views).
Next, you should proceed to the item "annotation," where the text is laid. After saving it, using a checkbox or checkbox you need to click "open link in a new window", save the changes and publish.
Lifehack for those who want to quickly get a large number of participants on YouTube. Go to, where you can choose bots and buy them for your channel.
For the user to want to subscribe to the channel, he must be motivated or interested. Annotation, in this case, is the best way to implement this point.
You can also look for subscribers on other channels with similar themes. But do not immediately impose the viewing of their videos. First we need to create a positive image.
That is, leave a creative or useful comment (necessarily positive) on the site, express your interest in the information you receive, and subscribe if you wish. And only then offer to visit your channel in an easy way.
Tip! Showing your originality, you should not use slang words and profanity. Also, you must clearly distinguish humor from sarcasm, which may offend some people, and for others - just be incomprehensible.
Try to avoid spelling and syntax errors (thankfully, there are plenty of sites with spell checker now). This will show not only the level of your intelligence, but also the respect you have for your users.
Do not limit yourself by working only on YouTube. Register on various social networks, actively participate in discussions of interesting topics on forums, leave your comments and positive feedback, offer your videos and so on.
In order to increase the number of subscribers, it is not superfluous to create a special window for users who want to subscribe. This small sign of attention will certainly be appreciated and will bear fruit.
It is not unreasonable to ask your friends and relatives to subscribe to your channel. You'll see that many will gladly do the favor for your humble but sincere "Thank you!"
How do you develop your channel after you achieve results?
Having achieved the goals set in the first point, do not stop on the achieved result.
Only constant movement forward and improvement in your chosen field can lead to financial independence and personal growth.
As your channel develops, your self-esteem will increase, you will make interesting acquaintances, and you will acquire new knowledge that will make you a well-off and well-rounded person.
It's rather difficult to find yourself at the top position on YouTube with your video, but it's prestigious and profitable, because the number of subscribers to your channel rises sharply upwards.
To many people it seems unreal, and they give up without even trying to enter the first hundred. But there are people who have a strong intention to succeed and a desire to work at it. And this article is written to help them realize their plans.
To all newcomers to the YouTube business, we recommend choosing and setting yourself a clear goal and implementing it point by point.
Break it down into micro parts, do not be distracted by constant research of different niches, if you choose one thing - move forward, micro goals will allow you to do something with the work on the result, getting a good result later.
Every second thousands of videos are uploaded to YouTube. Some of them gain millions of views in the very first days while others "gather dust on the shelves of the Internet" for years.
And the point here is not only an interesting story, but also the way to promote it. The fact is that there is a concept of optimizing an uploaded video for its search on the web. And in order to rank high, you need to meet the requirements of optimization.
Let's break down in detail how the video ranking is compiled.
Specialists of the YouTube system keep a clear record of the number of subscribers from each of the users of the network. The following criteria are taken into account here:
Therefore, it is important that the user wants to "click" on the video only after reading its title. This is the essence of optimization.
And as its tools are used:
All bloggers are familiar with the term relevance, the meaning of which is determined by the frequency of keywords occurring on a particular page. All search engines direct their efforts to optimize this process and find the most relevant answers to user queries.
Consequently, the right selection of keywords is a fundamental factor in the process of promoting your video. They should be harmoniously inscribed in the descriptions, present in the titles, subheadings and tags.
Speaking of tags, it should be noted that their optimal number in the text is considered ten. But they should be seamlessly combined with the main text and contain information about the location and participants, as well as indicate the category of the video.
Title of the video should immediately attract the viewer's attention. To do that it should be quite brief (no more than 120 characters) and as truthful as possible.
A loud headline containing hackneyed phrases doesn't attract attention for a long time, because it is often not true. Therefore, try to avoid templates and words in exaggerated form (the most beautiful, the most terrible of all existing, the most popular, etc.).
The main requirement for the description is brevity and harmonious insertion of keywords. It is very important to specify the link address of the site where the video is posted. This point is taken into account when promoting the video, as a search engine sees it as a "backlink", which automatically increases the rating.
It is desirable to create a kind of business card for your video, reflecting its subject and attracting the viewer's attention. There are programs on the Internet offering their services in the design of such miniatures.
But more often than not, they offer rather formulaic options. So it's worth connecting all your imagination and create your own unique "masterpiece". Believe me, that it works in most cases.
Summing up, it is worth saying that the effort and time spent on the optimization and promotion of the video, will pay off only if you approach this process creatively, with enthusiasm and expertise.
Develop, create and enjoy the process itself. And the positive result in the form of a high place in the rating will serve as an incentive.