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Status: Accepted

Hi AuthorizeNet,


With the complexities of SAQ A, EF, D and the opportunities of globalization (i.e. en-CA, fr-CA, en-US, es-US, es-MX; North America + Mexico) it would be great to have localizable capabilities offered in your HostedForm and DirectPostMethod implementations.


This would simplify product integration (Redirect, IFRAME, DirectPost, and JavaScript) and allow a SAQ A or SAQ EF implementation.


My thought is to add hidden text fields i.e.;


For fields like;

 - input type="hidden" name="x_invoice_num" value="dpm3-inv3-123"

Add a new tag like;

- input type="hidden" name="x_invoice_num_label" value="Invoice Number:" .


This would go a long way to improving/solving localization and keeping PCI DSS to a minimum for the companies building solution with AuthorizeNet's SDK. 



Rocklin Software


All - please help,


Any thoughts, feedback, concepts would be appreciated.


I know how to handle everything localizable on "Microsoft". I just want to put language-text onto the web pages that are managed by AuthorizeNet (i think i am thinking correctly here).


The Introduction chapter 1 in the CIM, SIM, and AIM manuals were informative.


1) CIM - HostedForm, my take was SAQ A - not very localizable.

             - Form Action URLs (working on) - unknown localizable

2) SIM - DirectPostMethod, my take SAQ - EF - some localizable, checkout and receipt.

3) AIM - Complete control, my take SAQ - D - definetly localizable.


Please let me know;

?if the question not complete enough?


?posted wrong?


?does not make any sense?


?for localization you must use AIM?


?keep reading and building for correct product usage?.


I have read many topics and still learning the best way to lookup content and use the forum/blog/library.


Thank you again,


-Dave from RocklinSoftware


Administrator Administrator

@RocklinSoftware We're actually working on a modernized payment form solution to replace the Hosted Payment Form.

I'll be sure to share your feedback with the development team who's doing this work, and I'll stress that localization is the crux of the recommendation.

Where possible, however, I would suggest you avoid using our legacy AIM/SIM/DPM options, and consider using the Authorize.Net API, documented at

Like AIM, the Authorize.Net API is pretty straightforward to localize.


Status changed to: Under Review
Administrator Administrator
Status changed to: Accepted
Administrator Administrator