Hi AuthorizeNet,
With the complexities of SAQ A, EF, D and the opportunities of globalization (i.e. en-CA, fr-CA, en-US, es-US, es-MX; North America + Mexico) it would be great to have localizable capabilities offered in your HostedForm and DirectPostMethod implementations.
This would simplify product integration (Redirect, IFRAME, DirectPost, and JavaScript) and allow a SAQ A or SAQ EF implementation.
My thought is to add hidden text fields i.e.;
For fields like;
- input type="hidden" name="x_invoice_num" value="dpm3-inv3-123"
Add a new tag like;
- input type="hidden" name="x_invoice_num_label" value="Invoice Number:" .
This would go a long way to improving/solving localization and keeping PCI DSS to a minimum for the companies building solution with AuthorizeNet's SDK.
Rocklin Software