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I think a lot of people confuse mental health with mental illness. However, good Psychological well-being is not just the absence of diagnostic mental health problems for mental illness. Everyone has mental health and it can fluctuate from good to poor and everyone needs to take care of it. I find it useful to understand the difference between mental health and mental illness and how they can affect each other using this grid.

8 Things You Can Do To Improve Your Mental Health
We all should give enough time and intention to our mental health, and what better way than to adopt some new, healthy habits along the way. If you keep it a habit, sooner or later, it can feel like a part of you, so the more nutritious, the better. Here are eight healthy habits to improve your mental well-being.

Which Books Are Recommended To Enhance Mental Health?
Before getting to books , let’s look at this. Mental health is a critical issue. But we as a society have failed to address it like one. The mental health circle needs the most support and recognition to help it work better. It will, in turn, help run our lives quickly. We all need to work on the terms of humanity towards this cause. Because having mental health issues is a big issue. The reason behind this is the difficulty level it places in front of you. We know they said that physical problems at no less dangerous than mental issues. But you can fight a physical case only when you have the mental strength to do so for stuff, so think about it; when you messed things up on the mental level, how difficult would it be to get back.

Why Is Mental Health A Topic Of discussion?
In a society wherein people don’t even speak about it, how can one expect those living within to know about the same. Mental illness is precisely an unfavorable psychological condition. It is usually determined by our emotional, sociological and psychological state. There is a necessity to treat it as a serious issue. It is in no manner less dangerous than a physical disease. The sooner we realize this, the better we can function.