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I'm currently working on a solution where our customers have requested a migration-tool, to tie existing CIM entries to their business partners in their ERP system. In this case a method to retrieve all CIM profiles along with their corresponding payment profiles would be helpful. Currently the only option is to query the API for all CIM profile IDs and then iterate them and call the API for each one. In the sandbox environment this takes roughly 20 minutes for 4000 entries, using multi-threaded requesting. This performance is obviously pretty poor, and I imagine the method I described above would allviate this problem.
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Submitted on
05:11 PM
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05:11 PM
Hi AuthorizeNet, With the complexities of SAQ A, EF, D and the opportunities of globalization (i.e. en-CA, fr-CA, en-US, es-US, es-MX; North America + Mexico) it would be great to have localizable capabilities offered in your HostedForm and DirectPostMethod implementations. This would simplify product integration (Redirect, IFRAME, DirectPost, and JavaScript) and allow a SAQ A or SAQ EF implementation. My thought is to add hidden text fields i.e.; For fields like; - input type="hidden" name="x_invoice_num" value="dpm3-inv3-123" Add a new tag like; - input type="hidden" name="x_invoice_num_label" value="Invoice Number:" . This would go a long way to improving/solving localization and keeping PCI DSS to a minimum for the companies building solution with AuthorizeNet's SDK. Regards, Rocklin Software
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